Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Equal Rights Amendment

Concerning civil rights and liberties, there should, of course, be equality among men and women. But, for women and men to be absolutely equal in all aspects of life to each other goes against natural order. One section of the ERA deals with equality in the military. (Lest one may think that I have a penchant for anti-feminist thoughts, I do believe in equality for women, but it is not the nature of both sexes to be equally adept in all matters. This has nothing to do with personal philosophy, but with biological and pyschological aspects, even though, of course, exceptions do exist.) Due to the absence of necessary hormones and overall due to their entire biological structure, women are naturally not built to be of equal physical strength to men. Also, women are more emotional and maternally caring, by instinct, and hence wartime activities would logically affect them much more severly than they would men. Because of these aspects, the majority of women would be much less effective in war than men, which would compromise the entire military as a result. In retrospect, the majority of men would be less adequate in child development and related jobs, due to their lack of a maternal nature and an increased procilivity for violence. Thus, I do believe that women should have equal oppurtunies and liberties as men, but there are natural dividers between men and women, which prevents one gender from adequately competing with the other in a certain matter, and to challenge this natural law with human law would prove fruitless and a waste of time and energy.


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