Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Touch of sorrow in Los Angeles - Situations such as these can create animosity towards a certain society or its ideals. This, in turn, influences political socialization (as to hindering it, this concept can be taken as somewhat myopic, since the very definition of the term implies that it is a process through which political attitudes and social ideas are formulated, and hence, any impact on this process will only influence it; the word 'hinder' can only be used if one thinks that the influence is profoundly negative, allowing no form of progression in the political socialization process to occur). The Mexican people are politically dominated by the United States, and due to the violent history and animosity between the two, the political socialization of the Mexicans can very well be largely negative towards the United States. Instances such as this, where the United States keeps dominating Mexicans in every aspect of political, social, cultural (which was the case here), economic, and militaristic life, could produce subtle hostility towards the values of the U.S. society and culture. Even worse, towards many things, such as this game, which was of the utmost cultural importance to the Mexicans, U.S. citizens are apathetic and unappreciative. All of this deters the positive growth of political socialization, with respect to the politcal and social issues of the United States, for the Mexican people.


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