Monday, January 09, 2006

Homeland Security - Senate homeland security leaders sketch 2006 agenda - The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee this year is considering significant legislation on the organization and structure of the Homeland Security Department. The committee has several plans, including an investigation of the government's slow response to hurricane Katrina, a plan to recommend changes to the Stafford Act, and a plan to debate changes to the funding formula for "first responders" to emergencies.
The plans formulated by the committee are necessary indeed. Natural disasters can cause ruin to a nation's economy and welfare, such as Katrina demonstrated, and the handling of such disasters needs improvement. The funding formula recalculation seems to be a decent idea as well, since it is only logical that more populated and developed areas present more attractive targets for enemies than vacant, unindustrialized rural areas. Thus, if funds are going to be spent, protecting that which presents more of a target should take priority.


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