Monday, January 09, 2006

Secret Service - U.S. Secret Service to visit Seoul, Rice calls N.K. 'dangerous' regime - A United States Secret Service delegation is planning to visit South Korea as part of an Asian tour to discuss the North Korean counterfeiting issue. The U.S. treasury has banned American financial institutions from dealing with a Macau-based bank, accused of laundering money for Pyongyang and helping to circulate counterfeit dollars. In turn, North Korea has threatened to stay away from the six-way nuclear talks.
It is apparent that North Korea recognizes its leg-room when dealing with the United States. North Korea does not appear to be intimitated by the U.S., and hence is not submissive to any demands. Pyongyang believes that he holds great enough power to be able to negotiate with equal status with the United States. This, along with knowing how eager the U.S. is about the nuclear talks and the power he holds by possessing nuclear arms, allows Pyongyang to have negotiating rights with the United States. If the United States offers appeasement over the counterfeiting issue to Pyongyang, due to its anxiety to settle the six-way talks positivley, it would seem as though the U.S. is yielding to North Korea and losing its power over the negotiations between the two.


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