Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Comparison and Contrast of Republican and Democratic Party Platforms on Select Issues

Republicans - Against all except life of mother.
Democrats - In favor except for third trimester.
Difference- Wide.

Farm Subsides:
Republicans - In favor but limited.
Democrats - In favor.
Difference - Nearly none.

Republicans- In favor of improving schools and ensuring that every childs receives excellent education.
Democrats - In favor of Improving school resources and offering world-class education, as well as improving educational oppurtunites for college.
Difference - Nearly none.

Taxes and Economy:
Republicans - In favor of job training to ensure employment and to stimulate economy; tax reform, limited and improved federal spending.
Democrats - In favor of expanding economic oppurtunity and job creation; balancing budgets and paying down national debt; opening markets abroad.
Difference - Significant.

War on Terrorism:
Republicans - In favor of strengthening military, deploying missle defence system, strengthening NATO, improving homeland security; in favor of attempting to gain complete victory in Iraq, which they view as central to the Global War on Terrorism.
Democrats - In favor of supporting Homeland Security and improving protections for sensitive facilities; programs for suppressing terrorist activities; strong national alliances to hinder threats from international terrorists and rogue states.
Difference - Significant.

Social Security:
Republicans - In favor of fixing Social Security and improving it for future generations.
Democrats - In favor of keeping Social Security for the people without accruing further national debt.
Difference - Nearly none.

Republicans - In favor of reforming immigration policy to halt illegal immigration.
Democrats - In favor of immigration reform in order to secure the borders of the nation.
Difference - Minute.

Health Care:
Republicans - In favor of improving health care for veterens.
Democrats - In favor of providing affordable, effective health care coverage; keeping government and insurance companies out of health care decisions that should be left to doctors and their patients.
Difference - Wide.

Energy Policy:
Republicans - [unable to be found]
Democrats - In favor of protecting environment and creating technologies to eliminate environmental pollution; supporting affordable and renewable energy for the future, and promoting conservation measures.
Difference - Wide.


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