Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Libertarian and Green Parties

Libertarian Party:


Disposing the Social Security program and instead establishing a self-managed retirement system; privatizing government business; cutting taxes; halting industry bail out using tax money; replacing welfare; ending income tax; immigration (but also aware that it should not guarantee economic entitlements); strengthening of the U.S. economy in order to generate funds for investment abroad and for the pursuit of free trade policies; in favor of removing government's sovereign immunity; caring for the environment and wildlife; protecting victim's rights; ending drug prohibition; getting tough on real crime; protecting the right to self-defense; addressing the root causes of crime.


Foreign aid programs.

Green Party:


Reduced military budget; reduced greenhouse gas emissions; single-payer national health insurance; Clean Water legislation; restricted global corporate power; Real Campaign Finance Reform & Publicly Financed Elections; electoral reforms and democracy; reforming the presidential debate commission; strict standards on GMOs (genetically modified organisms); increased accounting oversight.


Invasion and occupation of Iraq, and invasion of Afghanistan; death penalty; corporate agriculture; the drug war; telecommunications deregulations; bank deregulation; Plan Colombia; the bombing of Iraqi civilians; refusal to ban landmines; privatization of prisons and other public services and resources; severe penalties for marijuana; big corporate mergers and Wall Street bail-outs; forest logging giveaways; powerful agribusiness lobbies instead of family farms; uncontrolled bio-engineering; increased wiretaps and other surveillance; the Defense of Marriage Act.


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