Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Presidency

1. Examples of the roles of the President from the last twelve months:
Chief of State
Chief Executive
Commander in Chief
Chief Diplomat
Chief Legislator

2. Executive Department:
Department of Agriculture - www.usda.gov; article
Department of Commerce - www.doc.gov; article
Department of Defense - www.defenselink.mil; article
Department of Education - www.ed.gov; article
Department of Energy - www.energy.gov; article
Department of Health and Human Services - www.hhs.gov; article
Department of Homeland Security - www.dhs.gov; article
Department of Housing and Urban Development - www.hud.gov; article
Department of the Interior - www.doi.gov; article
Department of Justice - www.usdoj.gov; article
Department of Labor - www.dol.gov; article
Department of State - www.state.gov; article
Department of Transportation - www.dot.gov; article
Department of the Treasury - www.ustreas.gov; article
Department of Veterens Affairs - www.va.gov; article

3. Executive Offices:
A. The Executive Office of the President:
Council of Economic Advisors; article
Council on Environmental Quality; article
National Security Council; article
Office of Administration; article
Office of Management and Budget; article
Office of National Drug Control Policy; article
Office of Science and Technology Policy; article
Office of the Vice President; article
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board; article
United States Trade Representative; article
White House Office; article

B. The White House Office
Domestic Policy Council; article
Homeland Security Council; article
National Economic Council; article
Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives; article
Office of the First Lady; article
Office of National AIDS Policy; article
USA Freedom Corps; article
White House Fellows Office; article
White House Military Office; article


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